75 Goddess Names for Your Little Girl

What name could be more empowering and affirming than that of a goddess?
Goddess mythology originates in many cultures worldwide. Whether you seek to name your daughter after a goddess from your own family history or you just want her namesake to embody power and grace, get inspired by our list of 75 goddess names.
More: 25 Celestial Names for Baby
Goddess Names for Girls
- Aine (Irish) - an early Celtic goddess of summer. The name means bright and is associated with the celebration of Midsummer’s Eve.
- Alectrona (Greek) - Goddess of the sun.
- Aletheia (Greek) - Goddess of truth.
- Amalthea (Greek)- A nymph who nursed the infant Zeus.
- Andarta (Celtic) - Warrior goddess of war.
- Anaisa (Puerto Rican, Haitian, Dominican) - Goddess of love, money, and happiness.
- Anjea (Australian) - Fertility goddess.
- Antheia (Greek) - Goddess of gardens, flowers, swamps, and marshes.
- Aphea (Greek) - Goddess of the island of Aegina.
- Asteria (Greek) - Goddess of the stars.
- Astraea (Greek) - Goddess of justice.
- Atalanta (Greek) - Warrior goddess. Atalanta could run faster than the fastest man.
- Aura (Greek) - Titan of the breeze .
- Aurora (Roman) - Goddess of sunrise whose tears turned into the morning dew.
- Bia (Greek) - Goddess of force and raw energy.
- Brigid (Irish) - Goddess of spring, fertility, and life.
- Calliope (Greek) - Muse of epic poetry. The eldest of The Muses, Greek goddesses of music, song, and dance.
- Calypso (Greek) - Sea nymph who detained Odysseus on the island of Ogygia.
- Chandra (Hindi) - Goddess of the moon.
- Clemencia (Roman) - Goddess of forgiveness and mercy.
- Clio (Greek) - Muse of history, and in some versions, the muse of lyre playing.
- Concordia (Roman) - Goddess of peace/harmony and agreement.
- Cora (Greek) - Epithet of Persephone, goddess of fertility, Spring, and the Underworld.
- Coventina (Celtic) - Goddess of the sacred waters and springs.
- Cybele (Greek) - Goddess of caverns, mountains, nature and wild animals.
- Cynthia (Greek) - Epithet for Artemis or Diana.
- Dalia (Lithuanian) - Goddess of Fate.
- Demetria (Greek) - Ancient earth goddess and the goddess of the harvest
- Devi (Hindu) - This girl's name means “goddess” in Sanskrit.
- Diana (Roman) - Goddess of the hunt and wild animals.
- Doris (Greek) - Sea nymph whose name represented the bounty of the sea.
- Eachna (Irish) - Goddess renowned for her beauty, brains and stylishness.
- Eileithya (Greek) - Goddess of childbirth and midwifery
- Electra (Greek) - One of the seven Pleiades.
- Euterpe (Greek) - Muse of music and lyric poetry.
- Fauna (Roman) - Goddess of the fertility of woodlands, fields, and flocks
- Flora (Roman) - Goddess of flowers.
- Freya (Nordic) - Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, wealth, divination and magic.
- Gaia (Greek) - Goddess of the Earth and prophecy. She is the primordial mother and a personification of Mother Earth. She gave birth to the Titans.
- Harmonia (Greek) - Goddess of harmony and concord.
- Hera (Greek) - Queen of the Olympians and Goddess of marriage and birth.
- Hemera (Greek) - Goddess of the daytime and daylight.
- Hestia (Greek) - Goddess of the hearth and home.
- Holle (Germanic) - Goddess of the Winter.
- Idony (Nordic) - Goddess of spring and eternal youth.
- Inanna (Sumerian) - Goddess of love, war, and fertility.
- Iris (Greek) - Goddess of the rainbow and messenger to the gods.
- Irene (Greek) - Goddess of peace.
- Isis (Egyptian) - Goddess of life and magic.
- Jaya (Buddhist) - This name means "victory" and is the name of a Hindu goddess.
- Kali (Hindu) - Goddess of death and rebirth.
- Kianda (Angola) - Goddess of the sea and of fisherman, a mermaid.
- Lakshmi (Hindu) - Goddess of abundance, beauty, wealth, and prosperity.
- Levana (Roman) - Goddess of the moon.
- Lissa (African) - Supreme mother goddess.
- Luna (Roman) - Goddess of the moon.
- Maia (Greek) - Goddess of fields.
- Marina (Slavic) - Goddess represents a combination of winter, death, and the fruit field's growth and fertility.
- Minerva (Roman) - Goddess of wisdom, medicine and crafts.
- Nixi (Roman) - Tribe of childbirth goddesses.
- Ostara (Germanic) - Goddess of the Spring.
- Parvati (Hindu) - Goddess of love and devotion.
- Phoebe (Greek) - Phoebe is linked to the oracle of Delphi. The name Phoebe means “bright” or “shining one.”
- Polyhymnia (Greei) - Muse of sacred poetry, sacred hymn, dance, and eloquence as well as agriculture, geometry, and pantomime.
- Pomona (Roman) - Goddess of fruit trees and gardens.
- Rhea (Greek) - The ancient Titan Earth Goddess, responsible for the fertility of the soil and women.
- Rhiannon (Celtic) - Goddess of fertility, linked with the moon, night and death.
- Saranya (Hindu) - Goddess of dawn and the clouds.
- Selene (Greek) - Titan personification of the moon.
- Thalia (Greek) - Goddess of comedy and pastoral poetry.
- Theia (Greek) - Goddess of sight and vision.
- Venus (Roman) - Goddess and love and beauty.
- Vesta (Roman) - Guardian of the sacred flame.
- Zaria (Slavic) - Goddess of battle.
- Ziva (Slavic) - Fertility and life goddess.
What Is the Prettiest Goddess Name?
The beauty of a name is subjective and can vary greatly depending on personal preference. However, one of the most often cited "prettiest" goddess names is "Aphrodite." Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of love and beauty, which adds to the allure of the name. Other beautiful goddess names include Freya (Norse goddess of love, beauty, and fertility), Isolde (Celtic goddess of love), and Lakshmi (Hindu goddess of wealth and beauty).
What Is a Female Goddess Name?
There are countless female goddess names from various mythologies around the world, each with their own strengths and gifts of power. Here are a few:
- Athena: In Greek mythology, Athena is the goddess of wisdom, courage, and inspiration.
- Brigid: In Celtic mythology, Brigid is the goddess of fire, poetry, and wisdom.
- Freya: In Norse mythology, Freya is the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility.
- Isis: In Egyptian mythology, Isis is the goddess of health, marriage, and wisdom.
- Kali: In Hindu mythology, Kali is the goddess of time, power, creation, destruction, and power.
- Pele: In Hawaiian mythology, Pele is the goddess of volcanoes and fire and the creator of the Hawaiian Islands.
- Venus: In Roman mythology, Venus is the goddess of love, beauty, desire, and fertility.
For more baby name inspiration check out these popular baby name lists:
- Top 1,000 Most Popular Baby Girl Names in the U.S.
- Top 1,000 Most Popular Baby Boy Names in the U.S.
- The 100 Coolest Baby Names in the World
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