KidsBehavior and DisciplineBy Charise Rohm Nulsen
A positive parenting expert explains Conscious Discipline, a new parenting trend, and philosophy that is having a tremendous impact on both kids and adults.
KidsBehavior and DisciplineBy FamilyEducation Editorial Staff
A new radical parenting approach has taken the internet by storm, strength-based parenting, which focuses on developing and nurturing your child's character. Dr. Dan Tomasulo breaks down whether this new parenting approach could work for you and your family.
KidsEmotional DevelopmentBy FamilyEducation Editorial Staff
As parents, we hope our children will grow up to be well adjusted emotionally, but most of us haven't known how to address it directly. Emotional learning expert Dan Newby weighs in with his top tips for healthy emotional development.
KidsInstilling Values and MannersBy Elisa Cinelli
A new study found that when parents lie to their kids (even little white lies) their kids are more likely to tell lies as adults.
KidsBehavior and DisciplineBy Elisa Cinelli
When it comes to discipline, every parent has their own approach. But experts agree that the tone of voice you use can make a big difference.
KidsChildren's HealthBy Jacqueline Weiss
Looking for allergy friendly candy for trick or treaters or as a treat to bring to your child's class? These candies are free from many of the top eight major allergens.
KidsChildren's HealthBy Jacqueline Weiss
FamilyEducation's Nutrition Expert Michelle Routhenstein, MS RD CDE CDN weighs in on whether the keto diet is safe for kids.
KidsChildhood DevelopmentBy Jacqueline Weiss
You may know your love language, or even the love language of your partner, but do you know which love language your child speaks? Here’s how to easily determine it.
KidsBehavior and DisciplineBy Sa'iyda Shabazz
It’s important to note that while they may look similar, temper tantrums and sensory meltdowns are fundamentally different.Dr. Fran Walfish, Beverly Hills family and relationship psychotherapist, breaks down the key differences.
KidsFostering ResponsibilityBy Elisa Cinelli
Here are 15 chores you can incorporate into your child’s after school routine.
KidsMental Health and KidsBy Elisa Cinelli
Do you have a little one who is anxious about going back to school? Here are five phrases you can say to your child to help them feel excited and less nervous about school.
KidsBehavior and DisciplineBy Rachel Sokol
Disciplining children is never fun. At what age should you start taking away technology? At what age is time out no longer effective? This is an age-by-age guide to appropriate consequences for children.
KidsChildhood Development
FE expert and writer Brittany McCabe has launched Alpha Kids, the first-ever nail polish for girls and BOYS. She discusses why she lets her own son paint his nails and how it welcomes creativity and artistic expression.
KidsSocial DevelopmentBy Jennifer Caffelle
Help children develop their social skills with our quirky list of age-appropriate "get to know you" questions for kids Get the conversation started! Download our free printable version and use it on long car journeys, while traveling to after-school activities, or at the dinner table!
KidsBehavior and DisciplineBy Jennifer Caffelle
Tantrums are frustrating for all of us and we have to work not to jump in and solve the problem or express our displeasure with their display of emotion. Here are eight calming phrases to help your child come out of a tantrum or meltdown.
KidsChildcareBy Charise Rohm Nulsen
We’ve gathered the interview questions that every parent should ask a babysitter before hiring them to make the process easier for you.
KidsAutismBy Elisa Cinelli
Autism may be linked to the consumption of processed foods during pregnancy, according to a new study.
KidsSocial Development
You've made the decision to give your kids your old cell phone. Make it even more impressive by letting them create their own phone case to go with their inherited phone. Plus, learn more about how to bring your old device to your carrier to be added to your plan.
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