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By Tonilyn Hornung
Family Life, Family Relationships, Making Family Time
Family Life, Family Relationships, Making Family Time
By Tonilyn Hornung
Family Life, Family Relationships, Making Family Time
By Erica Loop
Family Life, Family Relationships, Making Family Time
By Rutger Bruining
  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Find tips and ideas to digitize your old family photos.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Family meditation and mindfulness can help reduce anxiety and promote health and happiness in busy parents and children. Learn some fun and easy mindful meditation exercises to introduce kids to inner peace!

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Play this rhyming game to help your child learn phonemic awareness and rhyme recognition. Play this car game for kids to help relieve boredom while in the car.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    This article supplies 10 easy ways you can squeeze in quality time with your children.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Family meetings are a great way to spell out household rules and the obligations of each family member.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Organize your family time to include crafts.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Establishing routines for certain times of the day and year will help your children feel that their lives are predictable and secure.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Mealtime can be a wonderful time to bond and connect with your kids.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Develop a unified family identity by spending time with your kids.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Family meetings are a great time to reconnect with your child.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    It's important to set aside special time to connect with your child. Discover some great ways to spend time together.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Learn the importance of eating together as a family.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Use this activity to help your child appreciate all the good things that happen each day.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Set aside a few hours to look through family photo albums with your child. You'll give her a sense of belonging and tradition.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Give your child a sense of her life to date by creating a timeline that she can illustrate and hang in her room.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Spend a couple of minutes recording your child walking and talking. Every year, repeat!

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    What kids really want is to know their parents enjoy spending time with them.

  • Family Life
    Making Family Time

    Many holiday conflicts can be avoided with a little planning and understanding.

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