Toddler Growth and Development
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
Make a set of texture plates for your toddler, and teach him about the sense of touch!
ToddlersToddler Language Development
Bread and peanut butter make a perfect canvas for your toddler's alphabet cereal sentences.
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
Build your toddler a toy play set out with just a piece of wood and some Velcro.
ToddlersToddler Language Development
This activity is lots of fun, and it gives your toddler practice with word recognition.
ToddlersToddler Physical Development
Your toddler will have fun building forts and tents with sheets. Make every laundry day a holiday in your house!
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
It's easy to set your toddler up with soda-bottle pins for some bowling fun.
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
Children love playing with binoculars -- even ones with no glass! Try making these.
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
Your toddler will enjoy watching the ball zoom down the tube and into the basket.
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
This early childhood activity teaches your toddler responsibility by having him shadow his parent's actions.
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
Your toddler will enjoy tossing this art activity into the air and watching it float gently down.
Toddler Growth and Development
This activity can be repeated many times, because toddlers love opening presents!
Toddler Growth and Development
Toddlers love throwing balls into the giant happy mouth, which you can make with just a cardboard box.
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
Give your child practice with balancing, using a homemade balancing board.
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
Teach your preschool child about timing and accuracy, with this dynamic pillow game.
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
Here are some suggestions for parents of children with fine-motor difficulties.
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
Learn how you can improve your child's fine-motor skills with keystroking activities.
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
This article lists observable behaviors of children with fine-motor difficulties.
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
This article explain why it is important to develop children's fine-motor skills.
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