TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
Read the do's and don'ts of mothering an adult child.
TeensCommunicating with Teens
Find tips to help parents "read," understand, and respect their child during the tough teen years.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
Find out what goes on inside the preteen head, and learn how parents can best get through this difficult stage of their child's life.
TeensTeen Behavior and Discipline
Find tips on dealing with your preteen's new attitude.
TeensDrugs and Alcohol
Learn how to keep the lines of communication open when discussing drugs with your child.
TeensTeen Dating
Find tips on teaching your kids right from wrong, disciplining them, and talking to them about sex.
TeensDrugs and Alcohol
Find tips for talking to your teen about tough subjects: sex and substance abuse.
TeensEating Disorders and Nutrition
Learn about bulimia and the risks of this eating disorder.
TeensEating Disorders and Nutrition
Learn about anorexia and the risks of this eating disorder.
TeensChores and Money
Read how to encourage your teen to explore different career options.
TeensChores and Money
Find tips on how to teach your teenager to be a good employee.
TeensChores and Money
Is your teenager ready to handle school plus a part-time job? These tips can help you decide whether your teen is mature enough to juggle the two responsiblities.
TeensTeen Values and Responsibilities
Find tips on how to teach your teen the art of shopping for less.
TeensTeen Mental Health
If you have a troubled teen, learn what steps to take to get help for both the teenager and you.
TeensTeen Mental Health
Learn the warning signs of suicide in a troubled teenager, and how you can intervene.
TeensTeen Mental Health
Depression lasts longer and is a lot worse than just having the "blues." Learn some of the warning signs of depression in a teen.
TeensDrugs and Alcohol
Teen smoking is on the rise. Learn the common factors that can lead a teenager to start smoking, and find out how to avoid them.
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