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  • Pregnancy
    Safety During Pregnancy

    Learn about the consequences of breathing in polluted air while pregnant, and find out how to avoid it.

  • Pregnancy
    Safety During Pregnancy

    Find tips on protecting your unborn child while you are remodeling and painting your home.

  • Pregnancy
    Safety During Pregnancy

    Find tips on how to protect your unborn child while handling cleaning products.

  • Pregnancy
    Pregnancy Health

    Read why drinks containing caffeine or alcohol are bad for both you and your baby during pregnancy, and get suggestions for good substitutes.

  • Pregnancy
    Pregnancy Health

    If you are a pregnant vegan or vegetarian, this article offers tips on getting your essential everyday nutrients.

  • Pregnancy
    Pregnancy Health

    A daily vitamin supplement during pregnancy is a good idea if you aren't getting enough nutrients from your diet.

  • Pregnancy
    Pregnancy Health

    Find tips on safe sex during pregnancy, including helpful positioning techniques.

  • Pregnancy
    Safety During Pregnancy
    By L. Elizabeth Forry

    How much can you lift in each trimester of pregnancy? What physically demanding jobs are safe to do? Our experts have the answers.

  • Pregnancy
    Pregnancy Health

    Learn about the possible negative consequences of performing heavy lifting during your pregnancy.

  • Pregnancy
    Pregnancy Health

    Help strengthen the muscles around weak joint areas during your pregnancy with these great stretches.

  • Pregnancy
    Pregnancy Health

    Practicing these leg exercises during pregnancy can improve your circulation and reduce swelling and cramping.

  • Pregnancy
    Safety During Pregnancy

    Learn some safe abdominal exercises that can relieve thigh and lower back pressure during pregnancy.

  • Pregnancy
    Pregnancy Health

    The changes in your body during pregnancy will affect the way you exercise.

  • Pregnancy
    Pregnancy Health

    Read about the many ways that exercise can benefit you during your pregnancy.

  • Pregnancy
    Pregnancy Health

    Learn how stress can affect your pregnancy, and get tips on how to relieve prenatal stress and ease your mind for the sake of you and your baby.

  • Pregnancy
    Pregnancy Health

    Learn about amniocentesis, including how it is performed and why some pregnant women choose to have it performed.

  • Pregnancy
    Pregnancy Health

    Learn about ultrasound and why it comes in handy during your pregnancy.

  • Pregnancy
    Pregnancy Health

    Find out about routine tests you'll experience throughout your pregnancy.

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