Pregnancy Health
PregnancyPregnancy HealthBy FamilyEducation Editorial Staff
Satisfy your cravings with these nutritious snacks to keep you and your baby healthy.
PregnancyPregnancy Health
There's a lot to know and keep up with when you have a bun in the oven. Take a load off and let these top pregnancy apps do all the work for you!
PregnancyPregnancy HealthBy Laura Richards
The foods pregnant women are told to avoid when pregnant varies across the world and cultures. Read what foods women avoid eating when pregnant and why!
PregnancyPregnancy Health
The Zika virus is pretty scary, especially if you're pregnant or trying to conceive (TTC). Pregnant or not, what steps do you need to take to protect yourself, your baby, and your kids? Is it safe to travel? Can Zika spread in the U.S.?
PregnancySafety During Pregnancy
Find out what home projects are safe for a mom-to-be to tackle, and which projects should be avoided.
PregnancySafety During Pregnancy
With extra planning, you can travel during most of your pregnancy. Print out a trimester-by-trimester guide to learn safe travel guidelines when you're in weeks 1-12, 13-25, and 26-40 of pregnancy.
PregnancyPregnancy Health
Abdominal exercises during pregnancy will help you develop strong stomach muscles to help you carry your baby prenatally and give birth. See pictures of strengthening and toning exercises for abs.
PregnancyPregnancy Health
Your second-trimester or 20-week prenatal ultrasound shows more detail than the scan earlier in your pregnancy. See sample pictures of a baby's skull, leg bones, heart chambers, and spinal vertebra.
PregnancyPregnancy Health
Strengthening and toning your muscles helps your body manage during pregnancy, labor, and birth. See how to warm up and safely do prenatal strength exercises like bicep curls, lunges, and bridges.
PregnancyPregnancy Health
Eating a healthy variety of foods from all the food groups during pregnancy helps you get the right nutrients. See how much protein, dairy, grains, fruits, and vegetables you need for a balanced prenatal diet.
PregnancyPregnancy Health
What foods should you include in your prenatal diet? Learn 12 pregnancy superfoods to reach for to satisfy cravings and nourish you and your growing baby.
PregnancyPregnancy Health
This guide includes information about the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatments for urinary tract infections, stress urinary incontinence and vaginal infections.
PregnancyPregnancy Health
If there are concerns about your baby's growth in the third trimester of pregnancy, you may get scans to track size on a growth chart. See examples of head and abdominal circumference growth charts. Also see a doppler scan of blood flow through the placenta.
PregnancyPregnancy Health
Nuchal translucency screening is a special ultrasound done between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy to check your baby's risk of Down syndrome. See examples of a low-risk and high-risk scan and learn the next steps.
PregnancyPregnancy Health
How do chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis compare? Discover the difference, risks, pros, and cons of these two diagnostic tests for chromosomal or genetic abnormalities in your baby.
PregnancyPregnancy Health
Your second-trimester ultrasound, or 20-week scan, is usually done 18-22 weeks into pregnancy. Learn what the scan shows, such as your baby's sex and organ health, and the state of your placenta and amniotic fluid.
PregnancyPregnancy Health
In the first trimester of pregnancy you may do screenings for chromosomal disorders like Down syndrome. Get the facts on "combined," integrated, and triple and quadruple tests, and testing positive.
PregnancyPregnancy HealthBy Emily Wright, MSN, CNM
What to expect at your first ultrasound. A first-trimester ultrasound scan can detect gestational age, due dates, and more.
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