ToddlersYour Toddler and Sleep
The parent of a four-year-old is advised how to help her child learn to go to his own bed and fall asleep on his own.
ToddlersToddler Behaviour and Discipline
An expert evaluates the possible reasons for a five-year-old's temper tantrums in public places.
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
A mother is concerned when her child's teacher talks about her son's "sloppy coloring and handwriting."
ToddlersToddler Behaviour and Discipline
A recently divorced mother wonders whether her four-year-old needs counseling.
ToddlersToddler Behaviour and Discipline
Disciplining a child while he is throwing a tantrum and/or hitting and screaming is impossible.
ToddlersYour Toddler and Sleep
A pediatric neurologist or a doctor who treats childhood sleep problems should evaluate your seven-year-old.
ToddlersYour Toddler and Sleep
Find out the difference between night (or sleep) terrors and nightmares, which are two separate parasomnias (sleep disturbances).
ToddlersYour Toddler and Sleep
There is more to this family problem than just your husband's responses to your daughter's nighttime bedwetting.
ToddlersToddler Behaviour and Discipline
Disciplining a two-year-old and a six-year-old are very different challenges.
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
Most often these lumps are normal lymph nodes -- "glands" that we all have in various parts of our bodies.
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
Give your child the power to dictate some time alone with you, doing something with him that he would like to do. Do this on a regular basis.
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
Expert advice for a mother whose son fears "falling into" the toilet.
ToddlersYour Toddler and Sleep
Developmentally, children show tremendous individual differences in how frequently and for how long they nap, as well as when they stop napping.
ToddlersYour Toddler and Sleep
Our expert provides advice on helping a child make the transition from her parents' bed to her own.
ToddlersToddler Growth and Development
You have to be relaxed about potty training. A child will make his own decision about when he wants to use the toilet to defecate.
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