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By Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
Toddlers, Toddler Growth and Development, Toddler Physical Development
By Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
By Elisa Cinelli
  • Toddlers
    Toddler Growth and Development

    Reading to your child may be one of the best forms of speech therapy.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Growth and Development

    It is very possible to have a gifted child who is verbally/linguistically gifted, but delayed in fine motor skill development.

  • Toddlers
    Your Toddler and Sleep

    You never know what might give your child nightmares, but the solution is constant encouragement.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Growth and Development

    It's advisable to postpone testing until a child is ready to enter kindergarten.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Growth and Development

    Learn why being "too social" in kindergarten can lead to problems in future years.

  • Toddlers
    Your Toddler and Sleep

    Night terrors happen when a child (usually a toddler) arouses from a deep sleep without totally waking up. The best thing to do is try to keep your daughter asleep.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Language Development

    Most books on speech development mention seven as the cutoff age, but eight or even nine may be more accurate.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Learn the best way to deal with a child whose emotional nature is having a negative effect on those around him.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Language Development

    Speech programs tend not to be particularly helpful. Maturity is the biggest factor for attaining clear speech.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Language Development

    Some students have a difficult time learning more than one language.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Growth and Development

    Are there really things you can do with a baby to encourage reading? There sure are -- and you may already be doing them!

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Language Development

    This article describes how to talk to your young child in a way that encourages them to develop language skills.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Language Development

    Learn how to treat ear infections that may affect your child's developing language skills.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Growth and Development

    This article explains how muscle-building activities will help your child learn to write.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Growth and Development

    This article explains why it is important to have frequent conversations with you child.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Language Development

    This article describes how preschoolers start to learn basic words and phrases.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Language Development

    This article describes how preschoolers learn language from their parents.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Growth and Development

    This article describes how to demonstrate to your child how people use language.

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