Pregnancy Exhaustion Exterminators
Read tips on what you can do to avoid pregnancy exhaustion, a side effect of pregnancy.
Pregnancy Exhaustion Exterminators
Now that you've learned about things that add to prenatal fatigue, read about some natural ways to fight fatigue:- Exercise: In addition to all the physical benefits of exercise, exercise is also good for boosting energy levels and promoting sound sleep. If you aren't sleeping well at night and are tired during the day, the last thing you'll feel like doing is getting up to exercise. But that's exactly what you should do to get a better night's sleep and feel energized during the day. (Just don't exercise too close to bedtime.)
- Take a power nap. A quick 15- to 20-minute nap each day can revitalize your energy level. It can also improve alertness, sharpen memory, and generally reduce the symptoms of fatigue.
- Try relaxation exercises. Anything that reduces stress usually boosts the energy level and improves sleep. Things like meditation, prayer, and controlled deep-breathing exercises can all help you feel more alive.
- Check with your doctor to see if you are anemic. Your body requires more iron during pregnancy, and if you aren't getting enough you'll feel fatigued.
- Count your calories. Your metabolism has increased due to the pregnancy and you might not be meeting your daily calorie requirements. This will make you tired.