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1. You are sitting next to your child and her friend at the dinner table. They have noticed a ladybug flying over the table. You ask the children a question. Your child:

2. Your child is playing the position of outfielder in T-ball. The batter hits a grounder aimed towards your child. Your child's teammates start screaming his name. Your child:

3. You take your child to look at a preschool. Your child:

4. Your child's classroom teacher asks a question. Your child responds by:

5. Your child is standing in line at the movies with a bag of popcorn. The child standing next to him accidentally bumps your child, causing a few kernels of popcorn to spill. Your child:

1. You are sitting next to your child and her friend at the dinner table. They have noticed a ladybug flying over the table. You ask the children a question. Your child:
Follows the flight of the ladybug and does not answer the question despite having it repeated more than once.

2. Your child is playing the position of outfielder in T-ball. The batter hits a grounder aimed towards your child. Your child's teammates start screaming his name. Your child:
Is too busy watching the ants crawling in and out of an anthill to see the ball coming.

3. You take your child to look at a preschool. Your child:
Runs wildly from room to room, removing things from the shelves and knocking stuff over.

4. Your child's classroom teacher asks a question. Your child responds by:
Jumping up and down at his/her desk, moving both arms all around, and blurts out the answer without being called on by the teacher.

5. Your child is standing in line at the movies with a bag of popcorn. The child standing next to him accidentally bumps your child, causing a few kernels of popcorn to spill. Your child:
Turns to the person who bumped him and starts screaming.

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