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Favorite Foods List

Teach your child about nutrition as you make a list of the foods that she likes best.

Favorite Foods List


  • 20 to 30 minutes


  • Paper
  • Pencil


  1. Divide the paper into 2 columns, labeled Foods I Like and Foods I Do Not Like.
  2. Work together to think of all the foods that fall into those 2 categories and create separate lists to share.


  • Talk about nutrition and how each of your choices could be altered.
  • Make up a list of foods on the Do Not Like list that could be tried and perhaps moved to the other list. You may want to consider a reward, such as being able to pick a helping of a food they do like for each one moved over.
  • Take your child shopping to purchase, prepare, and eat 2 foods on the Like list and 1 on the Do Not Like list.
  • Brainstorm different ways to prepare foods on the Do Not Like list to make them acceptable and experiment with them.

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