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Guess My Number

This number guessing game builds children's understanding of numbers' characteristics and meanings.
By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Children's Busy Book

Guess My Number

My kids love to play this game anytime, anywhere. They don't think about the skills they're building, but asking and answering questions about numbers helps them understand the characteristics and meanings of numbers.


  1. Let your child think of a number. Then try to guess it by asking questions. Here's a sample conversation: Child: I'm thinking of a number between one and a hundred.
    Parent: Is it odd or even?
    Child: Even.
    Parent: Is it more than fifty?
    Child: Yes.
    Parent: Is it more than seventy-five?
    Child: Yes.
    Parent: Can you divide this number into four equal parts?
    (and so on)
  2. After you guess the number, let your child take a turn as the guesser. For younger children, start with a lower range of numbers, such as one to twenty or one to fifty.


  1. Limit the number of questions the guesser may ask. This will encourage your child to exercise reasoning and judgment. For example, if the number is greater than fifty, it's better to ask whether the number is greater than seventy-five than whether it's between fifty and sixty.

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