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Half Man/Half Woman Costume

For a slightly more advanced homemade Halloween costume, try this gender-bender for your son or daughter. Follow these simple directions to sew together different clothes in order to create a Half Man/Half Woman Halloween costume.

Half Man/Half Woman Costume

Time: About 1 hour

Effort: Quick and easy - some sewing on Variations I and II.


  • One button-up blouse
  • One button-up skirt
  • One pair of pants
  • One button-up men's shirt
  • One tie
  • One boy shoe and one girl shoe
  • Safety pins

Instructions: Take one shirt and fold it inside itself (sleeve in sleeve). Do the same with the blouse. Safety-pin the two shirts together, (on the inside) to make one shirt. Take the pants and put one leg in the other. Fold skirt in half, and safety pin (on the inside) together with the pants. Be sure to wear shorts underneath! When you are all dressed, put tie on to cover seam, and put on your shoes (one girl's and one boy's). Slick back hair and draw mustache on guy side. Apply makeup and curl hair on girl side. Be creative and have lots of fun with accessories.


  • Dress
  • Suit (get both from the Salvation Army)
  • Shirt
  • Woman's flat dress shoe
  • Man's dress shoe
  • Makeup, eyeliner, lipstick, blush
  • Wig and hat
  • Scissors
  • Needle and thread

Cut dress in half, cut suit in half. Sew top of suit and dress together. Put on shirt, put on new outfit. Put on shoes. Put on half a mustache, and on opposite side (woman's) put on lipstick and blush. Cut wig in half and get a hat and cut it halfway. Glue wig under hat so hat is on one side and wig on other. Make sure you do all man on one side and woman on the other.

Variation II:

  • Woman's dress and makeup
  • Man's shirt, pants and tie
  • Fake mustache/beard hair
  • Scissors
  • Needle and thread
  • Man's dress shoe
  • Woman's flat dress shoe
  • Panty hose
  • Jewelry (optional)
  • Hair paint (optional)

Cut the dress and shirt in half and sew them together down the back (only as far down as the waistline, or where the shirt will be tucked in). Cut slits in the front of the dress to make buttonholes that match the shirt. Cut the pant leg off the side that the dress will be on. Sew the tie onto the shirt at the collar. Curl your hair and put on mascara, blush, and lipstick on the female side. Slick back your hair on the male side (you can paint your hair on this side, if desired). Glue hair on male side of face to look like a mustache and/or beard; a sideburn is good, too. On the female side, wear any jewelry desired. Wear two different shoes; a flat feminine one for the female side, and a masculine-looking shoe for the male side. (Be sure to put your pantyhose on before slipping into the pants!)

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