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Updated January 30, 2024

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Family name origins & meanings

  • Dutch : variant spelling of Kroll.
  • Polish (Król) and Jewish (from Polish) : from Polish król ‘king’, a Polish nickname for someone with a superior manner or for a leader in a community, or a metonymic occupational name for someone who worked in a royal household. As a Jewish name it is an ornamental adoption. Compare Kral.
  • Polish and Jewish (eastern Ashkenazic) : nickname or ornamental name from Polish król ‘rabbit’, Ukrainian krol. See also Krolik.
  • The Dutch colonial official Bastiaen Jansen Krol (1595–1674) was born at Harlingen in Friesland. He emigrated to New Netherland in 1626 with authority to perform the ceremonies of baptism and marriage. At various times from 1626 to 1643 he was commissary and director at Fort Orange (Albany), NY.

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