School and LearningHomeschooling
As part of the homeschool team, the supporting spouse can do some of the things outlined in this article.
School and LearningHomeschooling
Once you have obtained homeschooling materials for your child, you need to spend some time familiarizing yourself with them.
School and LearningHomeschooling
If you are planning to homeschool your child, find out what you will need to homeschool successfully.
School and LearningHomeschooling
Once you have selected topics and understand the types of resources that are available to you, it's time to identify the curricula you need.
School and LearningHomeschooling
Find out why it's difficult to know precisely how many homeschoolers there are in the United States.
School and LearningHomeschooling
Learn how to use unit studies to keep your homeschooled child interested and motivated.
School and LearningHomeschooling
This article looks at homeschooling from an historical perspective.
School and LearningHomeschooling
There are many aspects of a curriculum that you can use to homeschool your child more effectively.
School and LearningHomeschooling
Learn how homeschooling families cope when difficulties arise.
School and LearningHomeschooling
The root of many misconceptions about homeschooling is simply a lack of information about homeschooling.
School and LearningHomeschooling
Find out how a homeschooling family with two or more children can live and learn together.
School and LearningHomeschooling
Having the time to allow children the luxury of "just being children" is just one of the many adbvantages to homeschooling.
School and LearningHomeschooling
This article discusses the three basic approaches to homeschooling.
School and LearningHomeschooling
Nurturing a child's special interests is key to successful homeschooling.
School and LearningHomeschooling
This article discusses how learning is a natural part of everyday life for homeschooled kids. Find out how to best nurture and encourage their drive to learn.
School and LearningHomeschooling
This article provides helpful advice to parents who are new to homeschooling. The author shares her past homeschooling mistakes so that other parents can avoid repeating them.
School and LearningHomeschooling
Find the key steps to take to begin the homeschool experience.
School and LearningHomeschooling
Combine children's natural curiosity with a few great resources, and your kids will not only love science, but love learning as well.
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