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  • School and Learning

    Is your child ready for kindergarten? Separation anxiety in kindergartners is common, and part of preparing for kindergarten is preparing her to be away from you.

  • School and Learning

    Self-respect, and respect for others and things are all things your child should know as he is preparing for kindergarten. Find tips to teach your child respect.

  • School and Learning

    Find out what your child should know for kindergarten. Find activities to help your child learn to cut with scissors and help her prepare for kindergarten.

  • School and Learning

    As your child is preparing for kindergarten, introduce a variety of writing tools to help her develop fine-motor skills and learn to write her name.

  • School and Learning
    Elementary School

    This printable guide of fun and educational activities will help prepare your students over the summer for the second-grade school year. There are suggestions for books to enjoy over the summer, reading and language arts skill-builders, arithmetic and money-counting worksheets, and general classroom advice such as an elementary supply list. See our summer learning guides for third grade and other grades.

  • School and Learning
    Elementary School

    This printable guide of fun and educational activities will prepare your students during the summer for the third-grade school year. The packet includes a list of suggestions for summer reading, worksheets for building math skills, geography and history lessons, art-based science activities, and more! See the See our summer learning guides for fourth grade and other grades.

  • School and Learning

    Print off this guide of fun and educational activities that will help prepare your students over the summer for the kindergarten school year. Included is a list of books that will make great summer reads, reading and language arts activities, math skill-builders, general classroom advice including tips for avoiding the spread of germs, science worksheets, and more! See our summer learning guides for first grade and other grades.

  • School and Learning
    Elementary School

    Print off this guide of fun and educational activities that will help prepare your students over the summer for the first-grade school year. Included you'll find book suggestions for improving reading skills, grammar worksheets, lessons for community involvement, counting and measurement activities, and more! See our summer learning guides for second grade and other grades.

  • School and Learning
    High School

    Send your senior graduate into the "real world" prepared and in style with these great high school graduation gift ideas.

  • School and Learning
    High School

    Is your child ready to take the SATs? Print out these strategic tips to help your child as he takes the test. Also, learn what your child can do to prepare himself in the weeks leading up to the test. Check out the College Board's website for exact testing dates.

  • School and Learning
    Elementary School

  • School and Learning
    Middle School

  • School and Learning
    Middle School

  • School and Learning
    Middle School

  • School and Learning
    Elementary School

  • School and Learning
    Elementary School

  • School and Learning
    High School

  • School and Learning

    Learn what things to look for in a kindergarten program -- before signing up your child.

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