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First trimester weeks

Congrats! During the first trimester, you’re getting used to the idea of being pregnant.

Second trimester weeks

As you enter this second trimester, your body will settle down to pregnancy.

Third trimester weeks

You've reached the third and final trimester and will be heavily pregnant by now.

Week 36 of Pregnancy

Get together with your partner and talk through your birth plans.
Don't leave crucial arrangements until the last minute. Have an action plan ready for when you go into labor-it might be sooner than you think. Babies can arrive ahead of schedule, so make sure you and your partner feel confident about managing. Figure out practicalities, such as arranging care for other children, or even the cat. Rope in your parents or friends to help if need be, pack your hospital bag, and relax.

35 Weeks, 4 Days

31 days to go...

Fetus 35 Weeks 4 Days

Your baby today

Your baby's heart will beat quite fast, at between 110 and 160 beats every minute. Even after birth, your baby's heart will continue to beat at this speed. It will be several years before the heart rate is 70 or so beats per minute, the same as an adult.

The lungs don't become fully functional until these final weeks, but important development is taking place now.

If you imagine the lung as a tree, then the windpipe or "trachea" is the trunk of the tree. This then forms several branches or "bronchi," which divide several times, like twigs, to then produce the most delicate structures: the alveoli or leaves of the tree. It is within the alveoli that gas exchange will take place.

The alveoli began to develop at 24 weeks but they continue to increase in number throughout the pregnancy. The alveoli contain surfactant-producing cells to keep them open and these now become fully functional.

Prescribed bedrest

Toward the end of pregnancy, there are some circumstances when you may need to be admitted into the hospital for bedrest.

  • If you have contractions, but your water hasn't broken.
  • If you develop preeclampsia. Measures will be taken to reduce your blood pressure.
  • If you have placental abruption, where the placenta separates from the uterus.

You may be closely monitored in hospital toward the end of your pregnancy if there is any concern about your health or that of your baby. A fetal monitoring machine will be used to check your baby's heartbeat.

Focus On... Your body

Getting strong

Maintaining muscular strength, stretching, and doing gentle exercise right up until you give birth will help your posture-minimizing backaches, reducing stress on your skeleton, and making you feel more energized and relaxed.

As long as you feel good and adhere to the guidelines set out on page 18, you can continue with your activities.

Most importantly, at this time you should use common sense and listen to your body. If you're in pain, feel fatigued, or have dizzy spells, see your doctor immediately and stop exercising. You'll be feeling tired carrying around all that extra weight so adjust your activities accordingly. This could mean that you lower the intensity of your exercise and exercise for a shorter time, but if you feel good don't stop exercising entirely.

Look at the routines on pages 90 and 250, but don't do any exercises at this stage that require you to lie on your back.

35 Weeks, 4 Days

31 days to go...

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