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Summertime Tips for Kids with LD

Can your child have a fun summer without losing any academic ground? Find out! We've got the answers to your most pressing questions.

In this article, you will find:

Striking a balance

Summertime Tips for Kids with LD

Courtesy of the Children's Health Council.

Striking a balance

Children with learning differences (LD) and other school problems need to maintain academic skills over the summer, but they also need to be freed of the pressures and stresses of school. As a parent of a child with LD, you may be wondering, "How do I find that balance?" Decisions about summer activities should take into account your child's age, interests, and temperament - as well as the degree of academic difficulty and availability of programs.

Professionals from the Children's Health Council, in Palo Alto, California, have responded to nine of parents' common questions about helping children with LD relax and gain self-esteem over the summer.

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