5 Back-to-School Gadgets to Help Kids with ADHD and Autism

It might seem hard to believe, but summer is quickly coming to a close and, before you know it, your kids will start the new school year. If you have a child with autism or ADHD, going back-to-school usually means dealing with a lot of anxiety, distraction, and stress. Good news parents: you can actually help reduce your child's stress level and help them pay attention with a few unique back-to-school gadgets.
More: The Best Fidget Toys for Kids with ADHD
Start your child off on the right foot with some of these top products for students with ADHD or autism:
Fun and Function Weighted Lap Pads
Photo Credit: Fun and Function
Price: $31.99
Weight lap pads can help restless kids sit still in their chairs, maintain focus, and improve self-regulation skills. These Fun and Function Weight Lap Pads provide deep pressure that will calm and soothe children with ADHD and autism, and are constructed using material that you can wipe off and clean easily. Available in a variety of colors and patterns.
Purchase at Fun and Function
Fidgit Cube
Photo Credit: Antsy Labs
Price: $22
Help your child stay focused and feel less stressed out in class with the Fidget Cube, a clever little device that provides six sides of interactive movement. With this original Fidget Cube, distractable minds can click, flip, glide, breathe, roll, and spin their way to better grades this year.
Purchase at Antsy Labs
Writing Rascal Pencil Grip
Photo Credit: Hipp Gripps
Price: $4.99
If your child has trouble with handwriting, try out the Writing Rascal from Hipp Gripps. This unique device features a specially designed grip that encourages a tripod grasp, while utilizing the rest of the hand to improve manipulation and finger strength. Available for right and left hands.
Purchase at Hipp Gripps
Bouncy Bands

Photo Credit: Bouncy Bands
Price: $14.95
For those kiddos who just can't seem to sit still at their desks, Bouncy Bands offer a functional and effective solution. This band, which stretches across the legs of any chair or desk, enables restless and active students to bounce and move their legs without distracting others. Not only can Bouncy Bands help kids stay focused, but also reduces anxiety and frustration during class.
Purchase at Bouncy Bands
Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty
Photo Credit: Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty
Price: $10.00
Better than a stress ball, your child can mold, form, squeeze, and squish Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty anywhere, anytime. Packaged in a flat tin that can easily fit in a backpack, Thinking Putty is latex-free, phthalate-free, and comes in a variety of colors, sizes, and unique features.
Purchase at Crazy Aaron's Thinking Putty
Do you have a child who is easily distracted at school? Find out the best classrooms for children with ADHD.
As an award-winning journalist, author, and artist, Kelly Sundstrom has a passion for helping parents feel well-prepared, confident, and capable in the journey ahead. As an Attachment Parenting advocate and homeschooling mother of two, Sundstrom has been a guest speaker on Grassroots TV in Aspen, Colorado, and encourages families across the country to disconnect from media and reconnect with each other.