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A sunny spot and a homemade composter will make great soil.
By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Children's Busy Book



  • Composter
  • Dry material like sawdust,
  • Soil dead leaves, and dry grass
  • Fresh kitchen scraps
  • clippings(vegetable matter only)
  • Shovel and/or grass clippings


  1. Place your composter in a sunny spot with at least twelve inches of space around it so air can circulate.
  2. Have your child put a four-inch layer of soil in the bottom of the composter.
  3. Add a four-inch layer of fresh kitchen scraps and/or grass clippings.
  4. Add a four-inch layer of dry material.
  5. Keep alternating layers of fresh and dry materials.
  6. When you're done, place the lid on your composter.
  7. When the compost is dark brown and smells like earth, it's ready to use in your garden.

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