Dreidel Games for Preschoolers
There are lots of games your kids can play with your Hanukkah dreidel!

By: Trish Kuffner, author of The Preschooler's Busy Book
Dreidel Games for Preschoolers
- Homemade or store-bought dreidel
- Pennies, dried beans, raisins, or other tokens for each player
- Each player puts one item from his pile of tokens into the center, making a pile called the pot.
- The first player spins the dreidel; the letter that comes up determines what to do:
- (noon) or N--the player does nothing
- (gimmel) or G--the player takes the pot and everyone puts in one more item before the next player spins
- (hay) or H--the player takes half of the pot
- (shin) or S--the player puts one item into the pot.
- When the pot is empty or only one token remains, every player puts one item in before the next player spins.
- The game is over when one player has won everything and everyone else has nothing.
- Letters of the Hebrew alphabet also have number values, and older children may enjoy keeping score.
- Noon equals 50, gimmel is 3, heh is 5, and shin is 300.
- Each player in turn spins the dreidel and wins the number of points corresponding to the Hebrew letter that lands upright.