Clothespin Hang-Ups
Put together a bulletin board on which to hang things and clip papers.

Clothespin Hang-Ups
- Poster board
- Spring-type wooden clothespins
- Paints and paintbrushes
- Glue
- Yarn
- Hole punch
Cover work area with newspapers. Mix paints and pour into muffin pans or paper cups. Punch holes in upper corners of poster board. Paint over poster board until all or most of it is covered. While the poster board is drying, paint the clothespins too. When the clothespins are dry, glue them onto the poster board. Let the glue dry and then thread some of the yarn through the holes in the clothespins that are next to each other. Tie yarn leaving a loop between clothespins. Now your child has a bulletin board on which to hang things and clip papers. Attach the poster board to a wall via the punched holes.