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Stephanie Burgos

Emergency Medicine Physician

Dr. Stephanie Burgos headshot

About Stephanie

Stephanie is an ER doctor who has worked as a practitioner at Harvard University, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Alongside this, in 2013 Stephanie founded HealthyER You Project, through which she coaches women 1:1, runs boot camps, writes books, and speaks publicly about renewing your energy, becoming healthier, and gaining body confidence, all with 26K+ Instagram followers in tow.

Background and Experience

  • Bachelor of Science, Boston College
  • Doctor of Medicine - MD, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

FamilyEducation Area of Expertise

Dr. Burgos is a FamilyEducation expert in the fields of medical care and women's health.

  • Family Life, Mom's Corner

    Dr. Stephanie Burgos, an Emergency Room Doctor and entrepreneur, discusses how yoga has completely transformed her life including her self-confidence, stress levels, health, happiness, and more.

  • Family Life, Mom's Corner

    Whether you're a working mom or busy with the daily responsibilities of raising kids, you know that sometimes wellness and positivity can get tossed to the wayside. A busy ER Doctor and entrepreneur mom shares her top tips and self-care practices for remaining vibrant on the go.

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