by: Jessica Thiefels
Use the following tips to help promote the significance of voting to your children. Starting the conversation at a young age will make them more likely to vote as adults.

Many parents even let their children “vote” for them by showing which candidates to vote for and letting their child push the button. This is a great way to make voting fun for your kid and introduce the process at an early age.

Read through this list of answers to common questions children ask about voting, so you’re ready when the questions come out of left field. Once answered, be sure to engage in the conversation and prompt them to talk more about what your child thinks. Teens and preteens especially are interested in the issues that arise during elections, so be sure to ask your teen about her views. Remember to respect her opinion (even if you don’t agree!), and be willing to have an open discussion.

High school kids are close to the voting age, so focus on how to register to vote and the procedure for the entire process. If your child is of voting age, encourage him to create a list of pros and cons for each candidate. Have him include the differences in each candidate’s platform and strategy to encourage him to get the whole story before voting, rather than voting on popularity.

You want your children to think for themselves, problem-solve, and make smart decisions, so make sure you’re promoting that mindset, even in regards to politics.

For example, The Democracy Project is a game where kids can simulate a voting experience and learn about the issues surrounding the election. Kids will love playing the game, and you can join in to stimulate the conversation and start a discussion.