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I have a son with mild Cerebral Palsy -- is there any support from parents who have the same problem? He is very mild but I am worried that he'll be made fun of. I want to be very protective, and sometimes I think I am too protective. He is very easy going, and sometimes it doesn't even faze him. More so me. I just want to pound on anyone that says the wrong thing to him... do you have any advice??? He is in the 1st grade so I don't think there is too much too worry about now, but I know how cruel kids can be as they get older. I am so thankful that I have him; it has made me grow up in ways you'll never know. But sometimes I wish I had other parents to talk to ..... I have found a few but, those I do find are much more severe. I am thankful for that too, but there has to be parents like me with kids not so severe but still are mild........
I can understand your desire to share with other parents in similar circumstances. I would suggest calling your local or regional CP headquarters and explaining your needs to them just as articulately as you did to me. I would also cruise the Internet to find parents in similar situations. I would also call the nearest children's hospital and ask to talk to their Social Work Department; they may know of existing groups and/or parents whom you can contact.

I am sure your son will move through life and establish a strong identity for himself, with his Mother lending him her support and love throughout. Good luck in your search.

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