Fitness in Kids
KidsFitness in Kids
This article will prepare you for the types of injuries associated with playing soccer.
KidsFitness in Kids
This article will prepare you for the types of injuries associated with playing hockey.
KidsFitness in Kids
This article will prepare you for the types of injuries associated with playing football.
KidsFitness in Kids
This article will prepare you for the types of injuries associated with playing basketball.
KidsFitness in Kids
This article will prepare you for the types of injuries associated with playing baseball.
KidsFitness in Kids
Read about the benefits of playing soccer, and learn how to keep your kids playing soccer safely.
KidsFitness in Kids
Learn what steps you can take to get your kids moving and physically active.
KidsFitness in Kids
Kids are becoming increasingly overweight. Read tips on how to keep your kids physically active.
KidsFitness in Kids
This fitness activity challenges a child to dribble a basketball around obstacles.
KidsFitness in Kids
Is it dangerous for kids to "head" the ball while playing soccer? See what the experts are saying.
KidsFitness in Kids
More and more girls are getting involved with sports in school. See why it hasn't been an easy ride.
KidsFitness in Kids
What can a parent do when the basketball coach won't let all members of the team play?
KidsFitness in Kids
The pressure to excel athletically can sometimes discourage young children from taking up sports.
KidsFitness in Kids
A boy who weighs 250 pounds may be seriously jeopardizing his health. He needs to start exercising!
KidsFitness in Kids
It's up to adults to teach kids that it's not whether you win or lose, but good sportsmanship is how you play the game.
KidsFitness in Kids
Find out why there is a critical need for water during exercise, and how you can ensure your child gets it.
KidsFitness in Kids
Every year 20 million kids register for youth hockey, football, baseball, soccer, and other competitive sports. So why do most kids quit sports by the time they turn 13?
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