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Animal Gifts

Kids love to exercise their imagination. Have your kids pretend to be an animal and make or give you a gift that the animal might give.

Animal Gifts


  • Your time only

Who says your child has to wait until Mother's or Father's Day to create a special gift for you? Make this the day that you receive a special present from your child-the make-believe animal!

Ask your child to role-play an animal. Your child might choose to take on the character of a family pet, a farm animal, or a wild creature. Then ask your child what that animal might choose to give humans as a gift and why.

For example, a cat might want to give humans new furniture to compensate for claw-wrecked chairs and sofas. A squirrel might give humans a jar of peanut butter-as long as the recipients were willing to share.

Once your child, the make-believe animal, has chosen the perfect gift and explained its significance, it's time for the animal to request a gift from humans. What present would an animal want to receive from humans? Why? Your child could probably come up with a hundred reasons for a cat to want a new fish tank.

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