by: Lindsay Hutton

Disrespect for Your Concerns

Frequent Staff Changes/Inadequate Coverage
Ideally, daycare staff should be trained in early childhood education in order to nurture your child's skills and development. The American Academy of Pediatrics also recommends one staff person for every three to five small children, and one staff member for every seven to ten older children. If training in early childhood education is not required of the staff at your child's daycare, or the center is understaffed, it's time to look elsewhere.
In addition, the center's director should be available and easily accessible for parents, staff, and children. If your center's director isn't around during the day and is hard to reach, it's a good indication the supervision at your daycare is not sufficient.

Low Standards for Safety and Cleanliness
The cleanliness of the center should be high on your priority list, too. The staff should enforce hand-washing rules, and toys and any surfaces should be cleaned on a regular basis. The last thing you need is your child getting sick at daycare because of dirty toys and unsanitary conditions.

Lack of Communication
It's also important to connect with your child by asking him how the day was. Simple conversations like this can help alert you to any problems the center may be having, or if you child is unhappy.

Vague or Undocumented Policies
In addition, the center's certificate of compliance from the Department of Public Welfare should be prominently displayed. A center cannot legally operate if it does not possess this license.