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Paddleboat Voyage

Your child will enjoy setting sail in a sink or bathtub with a homemade paddleboat!
Homemade Paddleboat Activity for Kids

Paddleboat Voyage


  1. Scrap block of wood: 4" x 8" x 2"
  2. Thin strip of wood: 2" x 8" x ¼"
  3. 2 long nails
  4. Rubber band small and thick
  5. Hammer
  6. Sandpaper


This activity requires an adult to help hammer or hold the wood steady while the child hammers. The wood can also be sanded smooth before beginning to avoid splinters. Hammer the two long nails into one end of the block of wood, just far enough so that they can't be pulled out. Test the rubber band to see that it stretches tightly across the nails. Place the thin strip of wood inside the rubber band and wind it round and round. The piece of wood is the paddle for the boat. Hold the paddle still while the boat is placed in the bathtub or sink. Release the paddle and watch the paddle boat move through the water.

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