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Gift Wrapping

Here's a "business idea" for your kids: they can gift wrap presents for busy moms and dads during the holiday season.

Gift Wrapping


  • Assorted rolls of wrapping paper
  • Colored ribbons and matching bows
  • Clear adhesive tape
  • Empty gift boxes
  • Tissue paper (sheets)
  • Gift tags
  • Scissors

  1. Before you begin wrapping gifts for other people, practice gift wrapping with newspaper and items around the house, such as books, socks, toys, and boxes of different shapes.
  2. Now neatly wrap a box or book in wrapping paper complete with ribbon, bow, and gift tag. You can use this sample to show your potential customers.
  3. Start offering your services to neighbors and busy working moms and dads.
  4. Allow your customers to choose the paper and the gift tag.
  5. Make sure you have all your materials with you and that you schedule enough time to complete the job to everyone's satisfaction.
Note: Some stores may let you set up a table at holiday time for a few hours per day. Show the store manager your sample and the gift wraps you plan to use when making your request.

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