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  • Kids
    First Aid
    By Rachel Sokol

    What should you do if your child swallows a coin, battery, or plastic item? Two pediatricians share their advice and expertise.

  • Kids
    Childhood Safety

    We all post photos and updates of our kids on social media, but are we inadvertently compromising our kids’ safety? Here’s what you need to know to keep your own social media use in check.

  • Kids
    Childhood Safety
    By Rachel Sokol

    When drop off your child for a playdate or your teen heads to a friend's house, there are certain questions you ask the parents: Do you have rules about screen time? Can we provide snacks or drinks? When should I pick them up? But there is one critical question parents don't think -- or are too embarrassed -- to ask: Is there a gun in your home?

  • Kids
    Online Safety
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    National Bullying Prevention Month is wrapping up, but that doesn't mean that parents should let down their guard. Learn the signs of cyberbullying from the Center for Cyber Safety Educaton.

  • Kids
    Childhood Safety
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    Natural disasters such as wild fires can be catastrophic. Here are some ways to prepare for one.

  • Kids
    Home Safety

    Experts say you only have two minutes to escape a burning home before it's too late to get out. Here's how to create a fire safety plan to keep everyone in your family safe.

  • Kids
    Food Safety

    If you're child has food allergies, it may be stressful trying to prepare safe and healthy snacks. Here are 5 snack ideas thatl are dairy, gluten, and nut free.

  • Kids
    Outdoor Safety

    We asked the experts what to do if you find a tick on your child's body.

  • Kids
    First Aid

    Don't let backyard bugs ruin your outdoor plans this summer. With a little prep, smarter clothing choices and bug repellent, you can keep your kiddo safe from itchy bites and painful stings.

  • Kids
    First Aid

    Ticks are a serious problem nationwide. How do you protect your family against ticks? Here's what you need to know.

  • Kids
    First Aid

    Ticks are a huge problem this year and preventing tick bites is the first line of defense. Which are the safest and most effective repellents? Let's take a look.

  • Kids
    Outdoor Safety

    Fourth of July and fireworks go hand in hand. Although they're exciting to see, they can be dangerous. So stay safe as you celebrate the holiday.

  • Kids
    Childhood Safety
    By Laura Richards

    We all lead busy lives and our homes are full of cleaners and detergents. But how often do we pause to think which common household cleaners may look like candy to our kids? Here's a roundup of what to look for and how to stay safe.

  • Kids
    Online Safety

    Risks and Rewards of Virtual Reality

  • Kids
    Outdoor Safety

    Kids love to play in the water, but it poses a huge safety danger. Here's how to keep your child safe.

  • Kids
    Outdoor Safety
    By FamilyEducation Editorial Staff

    Drones are all the rage for kids and adults alike. But do you know the safety risks and government regulations for flying a drone? Before you and your kids take on this novel aeronautic hobby, make sure your family knows and follows these five important drone safety tips.

  • Kids
    Outdoor Safety

    Every year, between 30 and 50 children in the U.S. die from overheating in a vehicle. Learn facts and prevention tips to safeguard your child from "hot car death."

  • Kids
    First Aid

    Read the 6 most common diseases that can spread through ticks and mosquitoes, signs and symptoms of each, and the best treatment options.

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