7 Must-Have Breastfeeding Supplies for Nursing Moms

Congratulations on making the decision to breastfeed your new baby. Not only can breast milk help prevent your baby from developing illnesses later in life, but it also contains the exact proportions of protein, fat, sugar, and water that your baby needs to grow. Now that you started your breastfeeding journey, you'll need a few breastfeeding supplies that all nursing mamas should keep in their storehouse.
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A Comfortable Nursing Bra
Photo source: Ollie Gray Bras
In order to breastfeeding throughout the day, you'll need a high quality nursing bra that will enable you to nurse at a moment's notice. Look for a nursing bra that offers both functionality and comfort, and provides you with easy-to-operate flaps that open and close. Try to select a bra that you can maneuver one-handed, which all breastfeeding moms know is a must-have in a nursing bra.
A Stock of Nursing Pads
Photo source: Breastfeeding Needs
Once your milk comes in, oversupply can result in leakage now and then. Prepare for these little accidents by keeping a supply of nursing pads on hand. Place these round discs inside your nursing bra to absorb any spilled milk, saving you from embarrassment and extra laundry. You can find a wide selection of both disposable and reusable nursing pads on the market, which both have their benefits. The disposable pads offer convenience, while the reusable pads can save you money over time.
An Effective Breast Pump
Photo source: Medela
Whether you're a working mom, have a regular oversupply of milk, or want to allow your husband or babysitter to feed the baby, make sure you have an effective breast pump at your disposal. Manual pumps enable you to pump breast milk without needing a power source, while electric pumps can sometimes be more efficient. If you have trouble pumping breast milk, give the Medela "Pump In Style" a try. It's a bit pricey compared to a manual, but it can produce up to 18% more milk.
A Comfortable Nursing Pillow
Photo source: Shuga Bebé Couture
If you try to hold your baby in your arm the whole time you breastfeed, you'll discover a whole new level of arm fatigue. Save yourself a lot of discomfort by investing in a comfortable and stable nursing pillow. A good pillow props your baby up to the right height for breastfeeding and gives your arm a rest. This partiular cushion comes from Shuga Bebé Couture.
Booby Tubes to Help Soothe the Girls
Photo source: Earth Mama Angel Baby Organics
Let's face it, breastfeeding can cause a few aches and pains. Booby Tubes might be the solution you're looking for. These ingenious tubes contain natural flax seeds that can be heated or cooled to help promote milk let-down, prevent you from having clogged ducts, and help encourage proper milk flow. And, they just feel wonderful.
Stylish Nursing Clothes
Photo source: Boob Design
Just because you're breastfeeding doesn't mean you can't look cute. Designers know that modern mamas want to wear functional nursing clothes that also look stylish. You can now find just about any piece of nursing clothing you can think of, from sweatshirts to evening gowns. Pick out a few outfits that will allow you to nurse on the go while looking gorgeous, like this dress by Boob Designs.
A Cute Breastfeeding Cover
Photo source: Bébé au Lait
As a breastfeeding mom, you want to be able to nurse your baby no matter where you go. Having a breastfeeding cover will help you feel comfortable feeding your baby everywhere, whether you're sitting at the park or sitting in church. Look for a cover that offers privacy, functionality, and comfort. This beautiful breastfeeding cover comes from Bébé au Lait.
Now that you have a list of top breastfeeding supplies, get answers to any breastfeeding questions you might have.