Gen Z Slang: Dank Meaning

The term "dank" in Gen Z slang refers to something that is excellent, high quality, or cool. This usage is quite different from the traditional meaning of the word, which originally described something unpleasantly damp, musty, or cold.
"Dank" Origins
The slang term "dank" has its origins in the cannabis culture, where it was used to describe high-quality, potent marijuana. From there, it has expanded into broader use among Gen Z to describe anything they find impressive or worthy of praise.
Examples of Use for "Dank"
The following are some ways people might use this term in conversation or messaging:
- "That new album is so dank!"
- "Check out this dank meme I found."
- "Your shoes are looking pretty dank."
Incorporating "Dank" Into Your Vocabulary
How can parents use this term in daily life? Let's explore a few ways to seamlessly integrate "dank" into your conversations!
- Praising Quality: When your child shares a particularly impressive piece of art, music, or something they enjoy, you can say, "Wow, that's really dank!"
- Describing Experiences: If you had a particularly enjoyable meal or experience, you might tell your family, "That was a dank dinner!"
- Engaging in Pop Culture: In discussions about memes or viral content, use "dank" to describe something that's popular or impressive. For example, "Have you seen that dank meme that's going around?"
- Understanding Nuance: Be aware that "dank" can sometimes imply a sense of irony or humor, especially in internet culture. Using it with a light-hearted attitude will help convey the intended meaning.
Is "Dank" Positive or Negative?
"Dank" is generally considered a positive term when used in its slang context. However, it can also have a sarcastic connotation if used in a negative or ironic way.
Other Meanings of "Dank"
Aside from its slang usage, "dank" can also mean dark and humid in the literal sense. Additionally, it has been adopted as an adjective for certain types of internet humor that are intentionally absurd or ridiculous.