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By Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
Toddlers, Toddler Growth and Development, Toddler Physical Development
By Katharine Chan, MSc, BSc, PMP
By Elisa Cinelli
  • Toddlers
    Your Toddler and Sleep

    A toddler's refusal to go to sleep is a very common sleep problem.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Growth and Development

    If a child is making progress, don't push him. When he is good and ready, he will have his bowel movements on the toilet.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Language Development

    Find out whether intervention is advised for a child who stutters.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Toddlers and preschoolers bite for any number of reasons, including getting attention, being overexcited, and showing signs of affection.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Growth and Development

    How can you tell whether your child's tiptoe walking is just a habit or indicates of a problem?

  • Toddlers
    Your Toddler and Sleep

    Once your child is interested in overcoming his bedwetting, two guiding principles apply: work with him and protect his self-esteem.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Language Development

    A parent wonders if she should be concerned that her two-year-old son is still not talking.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Letting your child rest or even sleep for a short period of time, maybe only 30-45 minutes, may be just enough so that she does not act overtired.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Growth and Development

    Find out whether thumb sucking is harmful to a child's teeth.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Growth and Development

    Patience is called for in potty training, because "Mother Nature" does need to be included in this decision process.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Growth and Development

    Read what you should do when your three-year-old's preschool teachers label him "overactive."

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Growth and Development

    Children who are rapid learners or are more intelligent don't necessarily potty train earlier.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    What steps can a mother take when her preschooler is rejected by teachers who say they can't cope with him?

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    Age four is a bit early to be introduced to this degree of bathroom humor and body curiosity, but it's not of serious concern in and of itself.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Growth and Development

    Three-year-olds aren't able use words at all times when they are angry, frustrated, or frightened.

  • Toddlers
    Your Toddler and Sleep

    Unfortunately, you have created a ritualized bedtime sleep pattern and nighttime awakening pattern that has your child needing your presence to fall asleep.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    A teacher asks how she can teach a 4-1/2-year-old boy that it's not right to kick or bite people in her classroom.

  • Toddlers
    Toddler Behaviour and Discipline

    It is normal for children to test limits and try to get their way, as they shape their independent personality.

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