Table of contents
Girl name origins & meanings
- Spanish : Fifteenth child
- English : Fifth son's estate
- American : Popular, fifth child
Boy name origins & meanings
- French : Estate belonging to the fifth son
How Popular Is The Name Quincy
Family name origins & meanings
- English (of Norman origin) : habitational name from any of several places in France deriving their names from the Gallo-Roman personal name Quintus, meaning ‘fifth(-born)’ + the locative suffix -acum. The earliest bearers of the name in England were from Cuinchy in Pas-de-Calais, but other stocks may be from Quincy-sous-Sénard in Seine-et-Oise or Quincy-Voisins in Seine-et-Marne.
- The American Quincy family were established in MA by Edmund Quincy in 1633. Fifth in descent was Josiah Quincy (1744–75), a leading patriot, who was sent to England to argue the colonists’ case in 1774. His son Josiah (1772–1864) was a powerful opponent of slavery, president of Harvard, and mayor of Boston, a post also held by several of his descendants. The traditional pronunciation is “Quinzy”.