Get Hooked on Your Family History
How can families get into researching their family tree? Get genealogy tips from Megan Smolenyak, expert genealogist and author of the book Who Do You... read more
Showing 35 results found for Family Celebrations and Genealogy:
How can families get into researching their family tree? Get genealogy tips from Megan Smolenyak, expert genealogist and author of the book Who Do You... read more
Use our genealogy resources to see how far you can trace your family roots. read more
In light of the CDC's most recent recommendations regarding Thanksgiving and the pandemic, we have put together a list of eight virtual Thanksgiving a... read more
With all of the things you have on your plate daily as a parent, it can be hard to find the time for anything extra like genealogy and family tree res... read more
Here is a list of 25+ items or family heirlooms parents might consider passing down to their kids for sentimental reasons or to honor their family's h... read more
Celebrate AAPI Heritage Month with kids! Learn about the vibrant culture, traditions, and history of Asian American and Pacific Islander communities t... read more
Discover the popular Mandarin last names, including surnames from A to Z. Learn the meaning & origin of common Mandarin family names. read more
Discover popular Latino last names, including Latino surnames from A to Z. Learn the meaning & origin of common Latino family names. read more
Discover popular Cajun last names, including Cajun surnames from A to Z. Learn the meaning & origin of common Cajun family names. read more
Dive into the world of Latin surnames and uncover the rich stories behind these timeless names. Whether you're exploring your own heritage or simply f... read more
There are several factors that can impact the height of a baby or a child including both parents' height, your family tree and genetics, and environme... read more
Discover popular Navajo last names, including Navajo surnames from A to Z. Learn the meaning & origin of common Navajo family names. read more
Your partner in parenting from baby name inspiration to college planning.