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1. Caesar may not have invented the salad, but there are a lot of other things he's tossed into the history books. Check your CIQ here.

"Beware the Ides of March" is a well-known warning. What are Ides anyway?

2. "The die is cast" is a popular phrase attributed to Julius Caesar. Who actually wrote those lines?

3. While studying in Rhodes in 75 B.C., Caesar was kidnapped by pirates. What unusual request did he make upon his captors?

4. Julius Caesar uttered the famous line "Veni, vidi, vici." (I came, I saw, I conquered.) What had Caesar conquered?

5. When Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C., he died at the feet of a statue of whom?

1. Caesar may not have invented the salad, but there are a lot of other things he's tossed into the history books. Check your CIQ here.

"Beware the Ides of March" is a well-known warning. What are Ides anyway?
A division point in the middle of the month.

2. "The die is cast" is a popular phrase attributed to Julius Caesar. Who actually wrote those lines?
Menander, the Greek poet.

3. While studying in Rhodes in 75 B.C., Caesar was kidnapped by pirates. What unusual request did he make upon his captors?
That they double the ransom.

4. Julius Caesar uttered the famous line "Veni, vidi, vici." (I came, I saw, I conquered.) What had Caesar conquered?
Asia Minor.

5. When Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C., he died at the feet of a statue of whom?
Pompey, his enemy during the Civil War.

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