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    When a Child Is Depressed in Public SchoolAdvice from a homeschooling expert on homeschooling a child who has been depressed in public school.
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    Preoccupation with Death and IllnessWhile a child's fear may be focused on one topic, it usually reflects a more general anxiety condition related to a bigger problem.
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    LD and DepressionLearn what to do when you suspect depression in your child with LD.
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    Former Teacher Worried About Depressed StudentThe best thing this teacher can do is encourage the former student and his parents to seek professional counseling.
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    Gifted, Anxious, and DepressedA mother seeks advice on how to help her gifted child deal with depression and anxiety.
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    Basketball Coach Won't Let Boy PlayWhat can a parent do when the basketball coach won't let all members of the team play?
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    Twelve-Year-Old Is Gaining WeightIt's normal for adolescent girls to become a bit chubby as they go through puberty. Find out why you should be careful not to overreact.
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    Homeschooling for a Depressed SonI receive letters every week from distraught parents with unhappy children who cannot bear to spend another day in the school system. The good news is, after a few months of homeschooling, the change in these kids is truly remarkable.
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    Still's DiseaseFind out about Still's Disease, a form of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA), which is a connective tissue disease.
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    Bed Wetting in Five-Year-OldNighttime bedwetting (nocturnal enuresis) is common among children age six and younger.
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    Eczema Flare-ups and FoodCertain foods have been known to aggravate children's eczema, such as eggs, milk, wheat products, and soy.
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    Ear Infection Without a Fever?There are two types of ear infections -- otitis media (a middle ear infection) and otitis externa ("swimmer's ear," or an infection of the external ear canal). There is normally no fever with otitis externa.
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    Protein Requirements for Nine-Year-OldSince protein can be found in a variety of foods, it makes it easy to meet the recommended daily allowance in the diet.
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    Persistent Cough in InfantMost over-the-counter cold medicines do not work very well in babies, and they can have noticeable side effects.
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    Glucosamine and Osgood-Schlatter DiseaseThere is no published research on the effectiveness of chondroitin or glucosamine for the treatment of Osgood-Schlatter disease.
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    Seeing the CounselorIs parental consent required in order for a student to see a school counselor?
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    Stepson Won't Eat VegetablesFor a child's health -- physical and mental -- vegetables have to be an important part of his diet.
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    Gym ClassFind out why your child is averse to gym class.
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    Daughter Fearful of OvernightsA sudden change in willingness to leave home should be a red flag that the child experienced something frightening during an overnight.
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    Getting into SportsThe pressure to excel athletically can sometimes discourage young children from taking up sports.

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