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Updated May 24, 2023

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Girl name origins & meanings

  • Aramaic: Listens well

What does Samantha mean and stand for?

The name Samantha is of Aramaic origin and means "listens well." Samantha also has a Hebrew origin and means "as told by God." While the origin of Samantha isn't completely clear, many believe it is the feminine version of Samuel with the suffix derived from the Greek anthos, meaning “flower." The English version of Samantha has been used since the eighteenth century.

Syllables: 3

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How Popular Is The Name Samantha

Famous people who gave their babies this name

Popularity of the Name Samantha 

According to Social Security Administration data, Samantha has been a consistently popular baby girl name, only recently falling after remaining in the top 50 from 2000 to 2017 and the top 10 from 2000 to 2006.

However, it is the 31st most popular name on

According to Google search data analysis, in the last five years Samantha was at its peak popularity in June 2018.

Samantha has been popular for decades, consistently ranking high on the lists. It is often associated with the main characters of Bewitched and Sex and the City, and also High Society, which featured the song "I love you, Samantha." Various authors, comedians and actresses have the name Samantha, including: Samantha Irby, Samantha Bee, Samantha Buck, Samantha Mathis, and Samantha Kerr.

Where is  the Name Samantha Popular?

Samantha was searched for most often in the following states:

Nicknames for Samantha

  • MiMi
  • Sam
  • Sammie
  • Sammy

Samantha pairs well with these middle names

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